原本只是要去逛逛, 看看有無可買的星座書
很喜歡詩歌與音樂結合的我, 反捨棄了架上包裝華美完整的詩歌音樂
被封面有著童稚般滑稽誇張微笑著的臉孔, 樸實簡單卻有著小小的質感, 觸感也不錯的這張cd給吸引去
小小張土黃色推介的紙片上寫著 " 聽見斯德哥爾摩 來自北歐 零距離感的美好音樂 "
原來是引介北歐的流行創作音樂阿?! 而且特價只要99元! 真特別!
好吧! 沒聽過北歐音樂的我也好奇會是個怎樣的音樂文化, 就索性買回家聽聽看嘍.
雖只有99元, 整張 cd 整體設計, 包含內外的包裝, 卻一點也不含糊
有著百分之兩百, 超乎想像的價值感
時而俏皮逗趣, 時而純真清新, 時而憂傷欲絕, 時而激狂難止
默契音樂 真得很用心的在推介不同文化的音樂
Metal Sky
Andreas Mattsson
Coming out again in the dullest pain
Coming out again to the pouring rain
couldn't stay inside To much space to fill
I hear you breathing still
I guess you walk these streets under the metal sky
I guess you forget the cold and the wet
I guess you survive
but I'm barely there only flesh and bone
barely anywhere
I guess I'm losing tone under the metal sky
I guess I believe what you give you receive
I guess I've been blind
cause nothing really helps I've seen it in my friends
I've come to live here too the trouble never ends
and nothing really helps
what rises must decent I've set my hope on you
the trouble never ends the trouble never ends
I guess we're all alone under the metal sky
I guess resist the rain and the mist
I guess I'm alive
cause nothing really helps I've seen it in my freinds
I've come to live here too the trouble never ends
and nothing really helps what rises must decent
I've set my hope on you
the trouble never ends
the trouble never ends
脆弱的歌聲 細膩的情感
The Lawlessness Of The Ruling Classes
by Andreas Mattsson